Monday, August 4, 2008

Best well accepted acne treatment and home remedies for acne free skin

Whatever the treatment option, it is important to consult a physician with a large arsenal of treatment options - if a physician only sells a cheeseburger, then you get sold a cheeseburger; even if you need a bacon burger. It is also important to remember that just as acne scars did not form overnight, treatment can sometimes take months to get the desired result. Once you find an experienced physician and decide on a treatment option, remember that it's a long road but one that is usually worth the wait.
So how do you go about looking for best acne products? First, read up on some acne treatment reviews. The best products are usually popular and get lots of exposure and testimonials. Next, you want to look into the products' ingredients and the reputation of the company. Not all acne products are equal. Two products containing the same ingredients can yield different results. This is due to the quality of ingredients used as well as the professionalism of the company that makes it. Some of the best acne products on the market that meet these two requirements are ClearPores and Zenmed.
Addressing severe cystic acne is usually a bit different than addressing other forms of acne. With most forms of acne a simple topical ointment and good routine of cleaning can keep breakouts to a minimum. With severe cystic acne you may need to see a doctor to get a prescription for antibiotics, which address the bacteria at their source. With an oral antibiotic you are killing bacteria from within and don't need to try and fight it on the surface, which is usually ineffective with severe cystic acne.
tags: what can i put on my face to remove acne, still getting acne in my thirties, bad girls club naveen acne

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